Account Management Software and System

Manage all your finances and reports.
- Payment option to users via different modes of payment i.e., Netbanking, Credit card, debit card, Mobile wallets and cash.
- Payment can be done for individual tours, for room booking and other services.
- Software’s invoicing module.
- Generate complete invoice for the products with mentioned details in the predefined fields.
- The fields include payment information - bank details, card details, automatically generated unique invoice number for the payment, payment amount, mode of payment, purchase order number/reference number, the payment received and net outstanding.
- Invoice Amendment - An option to create a final invoice, and locking of the final invoice, so that it cannot be amended in future, without permission.
- Different types of invoices for different users (Hoteliers, Bus operators, Tour guides, OTAs, Tour operators).
- Create a debit note/credit note against individual files as well as invoices for both suppliers and clients.
- For entering receipts in your system, there’s an option to make entry of payment received by Cash, credit card, cheque and bank transfer
- For entering payments in your system, there is an option to make entry of payment made to the supplier.
- Syncing all the bills generated into the DB on a daily basis. File name would be the reference number generated initially with the bill.
- The suppliers’ bills are verified against payable amount/liability created for service.
- Excel format will be used to generate reports.
- Generation of Account Receivable (AR), Account Payable(AP) data, Receipt data, and Payment data.
- Product and user wise reports will be generated which include attributes: Supplier profile (like hotel/transport etc), Booked on, Start date, Last date.
- Weekly/Monthly/Annual generation of:
- Sales report.
- Refund report.
- Invoice register.
- Credit note register.
- Debit note register.
- Outstanding statement – both in billed currency and local currency.
- Client outstanding ageing report both in Foreign Currency and Local Currency.
- Client ledger report.
- Profitability statement - individual and combined - client wise, market-wise, Staff wise, Representative wise.
- Final Invoice Register.
- Allocation Invoice Register.
- Suppliers statement and ledger.
- Other services/Misc Services register report.
- Voucher register report [hotel/transport/misc/visa/guide/air ticket/other].
- Handling charges report, with respect to user.
- Supplier wise voucher listing with payable value/client billed amount / paid or unpaid status.
- Utilisation reports for services like Guides, Chauffeur & Vehicle.
- Pax (Planning Analytics for Excel) report [client wise, country wise, category wise, date wise].
- Room nights at hotel [hotel wise, date wise, client wise, etc.] - Hotel Occupancy.
- Agent commission report.
- Product representative sales report.
- Billed / unbilled [invoiced /not invoiced] tour id wise report.
- Free of Charge (FOC) / Complimentary services / file list with value.
- Bulk Invoice emailing from the system (DMC invoicing to Agent). User monthly invoice statement with their reference number of bookings and with an option to export all invoice in one pdf for the report.
- Print and export option for an invoice, receipt, credit note, debit note, supplier payment voucher, supplier voucher [individual and together – date wise, client wise, etc].
- Management reports.
- Monthly sale and refund report with top 15 clients and category wise with number of pax.
- Monthly P&L (Profit & Loss) report category wise, client wise, staff wise.
- Demand Selling Repository (DSR) report combined.
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